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Croeso i Flwyddyn Tri!

Welcome to Year 3!

Class Teacher: Miss Z Morgan

LSA: Miss K Stephens

Hello and welcome to a brand new school term at St David’s! I hope you have all had a memorable and rested Christmas holidays and are ready to come back to school this January with a bang! I am so very excited to continue working with the children in Year 3; learning new topics, challenging and supporting them and making fantastic new memories. Everything you need to know to about this term is on the class page with some support that can be provided from home. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Please email year3@stdavidsprm.cardiff.sch.uk or ring the school office. 

There are so many exciting things planned for this year and I can’t wait to start a new adventure with the children in Year 3.

Planning for Year 3


Every week, I will attach the new planning for Year 3. If your child misses any school or cannot come in for any reason, you can keep up to date with what we are doing in class.

Google Classroom


Every week children will receive a piece of homework through Google Classroom.

Below is a YouTube video to assist you on how to use this, a PDF step by step guide and the Google Classroom code for Year 3 to access their work.





Google Classroom using the App

Still image for this video

Google For Education - Blended and Distance Learning at St David's CIW


Schoop school ID: 17699 (Please change the settings to receive Year 3 notifications)

Twtter: @StDavidsCiWPrm https://twitter.com/StDavidsCiWPrm

Office Number: 02920 734308

Email: year3@stdavidsprm.cardiff.sch.uk

Summer Term 2 Topic: Green Fingers



Our topic for this half term is 'GREEN FINGERS'; with the main Area of Learning focus being Science & Technology.

Here is what we will be looking at under each Area of Learning Experience this half term:



Perimeter/Area of shapes




Collecting data into graphs and tables



Diary Entries as a refugee

Imagination Writing

Literacy skills

Writing opinions and justifications




The Big Bird Project (research species of birds, creating bird feeders and making observations)

​​​​​​​Planting inside and outside the classroom

Understanding the features of a plant

How to successfully look after our environment 



The Big Frieze Project:

This is a whole school project linked to RE where we will be designing and re-creating as aspect of The Big Frieze.




Filming others performances

Taking pictures successfully




Likes and Dislikes

Dictionary Vocabulary

Expanding our sentences; for example why?



There will be regular updates on the children’s work on this page and our school Twitter page.




Weekly homework will be sent out each Friday in your child’s Homework Book and will be due back in the following Wednesday. Each week, children must complete either a piece of numeracy or literacy based homework which will be set for them. This will alternate week to week from literacy to numeracy. Weekly spellings will also be taught in class and given to the children to practice at home. All of this is laid out in the HOMEWORK PLANNER available on this page.


There will also be a termly HOMEWORK GRID sent out based on our topic of The Water Cycle. Children may do as many of these homework tasks as they like over the term. All of this is laid out in the HOMEWORK GRID available on this page.


Children are allowed to complete their homework in any format they would like as long as Miss Morgan can access it and see all the lovely work produced from home. For example, children may use Hwb, their Homework Book, PowerPoint, Word, Excel, posters, etc.



Reading is such a vital component of your child’s learning and will be used every day in class. We will take every opportunity to listen to your child’s reading, whether that be in Guided Group Reading, in different Areas of Learning or simply throughout the school day. Please try and support and encourage reading to take place at home as it is the perfect opportunity for your child’s skills to continue being developed. Children can read on their own, but please encourage them to read out loud and complete their reading record each time they read. Therefore, we kindly ask that your child’s reading book and diary are returned to school every day, so they are available to us if we need them and we can keep up to date with the fantastic reading and progress taking place at home. 

Weekly Routines

PE: P.E is on a Friday. Your child needs black shorts, house colour or white t-shirt and trainers. They may also wear black jogging bottoms and a school hoodie for outdoor activities. Please label all clothes clearly with their name. 

Snack: A healthy fruit snack is available for each child for £1.50 per week or £10.50 per term. Please pay via ParentPay before 8am on Monday mornings. All snacks must be paid for in advance. Alternatively, your child is very welcome to bring their own snack providing it is either fresh fruit or vegetables as we are a healthy eating school!

Children can bring in a water bottle to keep in class and drink throughout the day. We are more than happy to refill their bottles. Please ensure only plain water is in the bottle and they are labelled with your child's name.

Dinner Money: As a cashless school, dinner money is to be paid in advance via ParentPay.

VIP ‘Learner of the Week’


Year 3 Learner of the Week is: Jermaine Akani


For: A positive change in attitude and excellent writing in both literacy and RE.

Da dawn Jermaine! You have worked so hard this week to impress Miss Morgan and Miss Stephens. You have beautiful manners, positive attitude and an enthusiasm for learning across all subject areas. A model pupil in our Year 3 class. Enjoy your week of being VIP!

Christian Values

Our school Christian Value this term is Peace

Having Peace means that we trust God during difficult times. We are all going to have problems and bad days from time to time, but what matters is what we do when those problems come. We can panic and freak out or we can trust in God. God is the only one that we can trust in because He is powerful and He loves us.

Here are some ways to be peaceful. Do you do any of these things already?

  1. Make room for peace at home. 
  2. Find peace in nature. 
  3. Make time for creative play.  
  4. Engage your friends hands and hearts. 
  5. Establish a “family foundation.”Create a homemade bank for donations—a miniature family foundation."
  6. Face local needs. 
  7. Make a difference in the world.

Real PE

Real PE is a unique, child centred approach that transforms how we teach PE to include, challenge and support EVERY child.

Jasmine - your real learning platform, provides 1000s of hours of fun activities and challenges that will help you to keep your children and family fit and healthy in the coming months.


The website address is: home.jasmineactive.com 
Parent email: parent@stdavidsci-1.com
Password:  stdavidsci


Activities and Games to learn languages



Language Nut is a great learning resource for practising Welsh, German and lots of other modern foreign languages!

All children should have brought home their login details, however if you need a reminder please contact year3@stdavidsprm.cardiff.sch.uk.


If children would like to further continue their language learning at home, you can download the app DUOLINGO on any smartphone or device for daily lessons in many languages such as Welsh, French, Spanish and more.


For information about supporting your child with using the internet safely, please click on the following link:


Accessing Online Materials 

Year 3 Hwb

Please stay connected to the Hwb class that you joined in Year 2 as this will become renamed as the Year 3 Hwb class. 

To access the Year 3 portal, please visit this link and join our class: 

All children will need their HWB log in to access our Home Learning Online Classroom. Your child should have brought these home. 

Please email year3@stdavidsprm.cardiff.sch.uk if you cannot remember the password so I can send a reminder, or if the log in details are compromised so that I can reset the password. 

This Hwb class will be used for a mixture of home and school-based activities and will be used again if another unplanned school closure is required. 

All home learning can be completed in the green homework book.

Useful Links


https://www.topmarks.co.uk/ - Great online games for curriculum areas


https://www.bbc.com/bitesize/levels/zbr9wmn - BBC Bitesize


http://www.crickweb.co.uk/ks2literacy.html - Lots of online games linked to different areas of the curriculum


https://www.learn-welsh.net/welshgames - Online Welsh games


https://corbettmathsprimary.com/5-a-day/ - Corbett Maths - 5-a-day Challenges


https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/ - White Rose Maths - Reasoning Challenges


https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ - Read, Write, Inc Phonics


https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zkgg87h/articles/z3wpp39 - The Water Cycle on BBC Bitesize


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWb4KlM2vts – The Water Cycle Song on YouTube