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PDG Funding

What is PDG?

The pupil development grant (PDG )is designed to support improving learning outcomes and provision for students eligible for free school meals (eFSM) and looked after children (LAC). The PDG is intended to help overcome this additional barrier which prevents learners fro disadvantaged backgrounds achieving their full potential.


How is our grant spent ?

At St David’s CIW Primary, our plan for using our PDG allocation from Welsh Government is integrated into our school improvement plan (SIP). Our Grant allocation is £63,250




Throughout 2023-24, our allocation will be allocated:


  • Literacy specialist interventions training and staffing – Rainbow Readers, Rapid readers,
  • Numeracy specialist intervention  training and staffing– 1st class at number
  • Nurture provision to remove barriers to learning – ELSA staffing and training, Nurture staffing and training, 
  • Bespoke 1-1 classroom support for literacy and numeracy.
  • Staffing costs £69,816
  • Resources and Training £13,332



What do we want to improve?

Targets – what do we want to happen?

How will we know?

Develop positive attitudes towards learning through curriculum and staffing organisation.

Improve higher standards of eFSM pupils in literacy and Maths (O6 & L5)

Rigorous tracking and monitoring of progress.

To improve the effectiveness of intervention programmes on pupil outcomes, particularly literacy and numeracy.  


To use bespoke interventions to target eFSM pupils performing below their expected level.


Rigorous tracking and monitoring of progress of intervention programs.


To further support  the well-being of pupils through a bespoke nurture programme for vulnerable learners.

Strengthen learners   resilience linked to Pedagogical 2 principle.

Rigorous tracking and monitoring of progress in nurture provision. Baseline and exit data for Growth Mindset (Boxall)