At Saint David’s CiW Primary school we recognise the influence that our school and individual teachers have on developing the values of our pupils.
Our pupils learn important Christian Values at school through the relationships they develop, everyday classroom interactions and from the examples set by their teachers.
At Saint David’s CiW Church in Wales Primary School, Christian Values are transmitted daily through:
The management, stated mission and aims of our school which is reflected in the ethos.
Teachers’ example which helps pupils to internalise ideas of what is acceptable and not acceptable in the living, working community of school.
Collective worship, which is an opportunity for school to explore together Christian Values
Each half term the whole school explores a different Christian Value. There is a dedicated Christian Value day where each class is immersed into the value through a range of stimulating and reflecting activities. It is a wonderful opportunity to hear about the different aspects of that value that the pupils have focussed on. When talking to pupils they are very enthusiastic about these days and this is evident in the way that they incorporate the value into their daily activities and across the curriculum.
Autumn Term 1 Thankfulness
Autumn Term 2 Perseverance
Spring Term 1 Creativity
Spring Term 2 Justice
Summer Term 1 Friendship
Summer Term 2 Peace
This term in school we will be focussing on the value Perseverance. We will be hearing stories about being thankful from the Bible and examples from our daily lives. We hope that you will explore this value together at home too.
Very little that is really worthwhile in life can be achieved without perseverance. An athlete may train for years before they are ready to compete at the highest level. A musician must practice every day, sometimes for hours at a time, if they are to really master their instrument.
• How would each family member rate themselves on a scale of 1 - 10 at perseverance?
• Can you give an example of something you have achieved by determined perseverance?
• Is there a skill that you think you could improve with perseverance?
At St. David's we have introduced days where we celebrate the festivals and practices of other world faiths.
Our aim is to develop pupils understanding of the world around them, enabling them to become ethnically informed citizens in an ever changing world.
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