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St David's CIW Primary School Highlights 2023/24

Thank you to all of the pupils, staff, families, visitors and governors who have continued to make our school such a special place to be this year.

St David's CIW Primary School Highlights 2022/23

Thank you to all of the pupils, staff, families, visitors and governors who have continued to make our school such a special place to be this year.

St David's CIW Primary School Highlights 2021-22

Thanks to all of our pupils, families, staff, governors & visitors for making this year full of special memories as we gradually returned to normal school life. Here are some of our favourite moments from the year

Our Best Bits of the Year @ St David's CIW Primary School 2019-20

Thanks to all of the pupils, families, staff, governors and visitors for making this year full of special memories, even if it did not quite go the way we had expected! Here are just some of our favourite moments from our usual schooling in September to March, our home learning period and the partial re-opening from the last 3 weeks of the year.

Our Year 2018-19

What a busy but fantastic year we have had!

Goodbye 2018-19. Click on the link below to see our video.