All schools want their pupils to succeed, but schools can only make a lasting difference when they focus on specific goals and strategies for change. School improvement planning is a process through which schools set goals for improvement, and make decisions about how and when these goals will be achieved. The ultimate objective of the process is to improve pupils achievement levels by enhancing the way curriculum is delivered, by creating a positive environment for learning, and by increasing the degree to which parents are involved in their children’s learning at school and in the home.
Here is an overview of our School Improvement Plan (SIP) for the academic year 2023-23
| SDP Targets | Rationale | |
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| Language, Literacy and Communication
1.1 – To improve spelling across the school, ensuring learners apply spelling strategies and knowledge to their written work in both literacy and across the curriculum experiences. | RWI has significantly improved learners’ ability to read more confidently across the school using their phonological awareness. However, these skills are not being transferred into other literacy skills. Spelling strategies are not in line with learners reading ability and there are many discrepancies in learners application of spelling skills across the curriculum. | |
| Welsh & Modern Foreign Languages 1.2 To continue raise the profile and standards in Welsh, ensuring there is consistency and progression when delivering and using the language across the school.
| There are many staff changes in the new academic year, with a few NQTs.
Listening to learners in Summer 2023, identified that some teaching staff are not using a good quality and quantity of incidental Welsh language regularly.
Learning walks and book looks have shown good progress in oracy and writing skills through the medium of Welsh, however there is limited progress in reading. | |
| 1.3 To achieve the Siarter Iaith Bronze Award.
| The Siarter Iath Award was re-launched this academic year with the aim of achieving our bronze award in the Spring Term 2024.
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| 1.4- Embed regular teaching of MFL across the school, which demonstrates progression and supports the school in achieving the British Council’s International School Award. | There are many staff changes in the new academic year with some new staff unfamiliar with MFL. Therefore, training, INSET and peer mentoring through exemplar sessions will be provided to all members of staff who need additional support (CS).
As a school we have made strong progress with MFL across the school and this award will provide the learners with recognition for their learning, alongside the school receiving additional support and guidance from The British Council to strengthen our MFL curriculum. | |
| 1.5 - Embed teaching and learning strategies that will continue to enhance learners reasoning skills. | There are many staff changes in the new academic year and there has been a change in the Maths leader. |
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2.1 To continue to reduce the barriers in attendance for learners who are identified in the ‘at risk category’ (85-90%) ensuring all learners, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds are equally included in all aspects of school life. (CC & CP) | 2022-23 attendance data was 91.2%.
The school have identified an issue with families taking holidays during the term time. XX% of families took children out of school during the summer term to go on family holidays.
The school have identified a significant change in parental and pupils’ attitudes towards school attendance since the return to school following Covid. |
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3.1 Ensure consistency in teaching and learning pedagogical principles throughout the school which impacts positively on learners progress.. (GA)
| Due to staff changes, ensure the schools high expectations are maintained through consistency in pedagogy throughout the school. Continue to focus on AFL, challenge, and independent learning. |
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3.2 To strengthen the quality of RVE assessment in line with the new curriculum and Sacre/ Gwella requirements to enable learner progress at all levels | New RVE leader due to a maternity leave. |
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3.3 Further develop consistency in the delivery of authentic learning experiences in Science & Technology to ensure all learners make good progress across the skills outlined in the new curriculum. | Learning walk / book looks revealed that some teachers have been flexible in line with topics and skills taught (dipping into skills from other year groups as required). This needs to be recorded and communicated to ensure that these children experience progression throughout the school
Many staff changes in 2023/24 and summer term learning walk shows inconsistencies where there has been a change of teacher.
Learning walk / book look and discussion with CSC shows that some opportunities are being missed in terms of linking science with topics when teachers are planning their inquiry planning medium term cycle.
Staff audit shows that many staff are not yet confident planning and delivering lessons for Science & Technology WM2 and WM6
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3.3 Ensure that there is consistency in the quantity and quality of work being produced in Expressive Arts across each year group to ensure there is progression of skills throughout the school.
| Following book scrutiny, it was clear that some year groups are covering more Expressive arts work than others. Despite time being allocated on the timetable, other subject areas have taken priority.
Teacher’s need to refer to the Expressive Arts Scheme of Work and ensure that the relevant skills are being taught to ensure progression is taking place. The journey and skills taught throughout the term should be evidenced clearly, either in Book Bendigedigs or on See-Saw.
Time slots have been allocated for Hall use, for each class, each week. This allows teachers to plan for either a dance, drama or music activity during this hour slot. Planning needs to show evidence of Expressive Arts skills being taught. |
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4.1 Continue to implement key priorities for the full implementation of the new ALN Bill to ensure all learners succeed and that barriers to learning are identified and addressed. | Due to there being a change in ALNCO (maternity leave cover). The new ALNCO will require support. |
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4.2 Develop effective and regular communication and information with our school and wider community around mental health and wellbeing. (AUJ/ZM) | Our wellbeing survey identifies that many parents are not familiar with some of the work that the school does to promote and support learners' wellbeing and mental health. Our wellbeing survey has identified that many staff do not feel that there are resources readily available to support staff wellbeing and resources to recognise changes in staff wellbeing and mental health. |
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4.2 Develop pupil voice so that it is having a meaningful impact on the school community, particularly behaviour. | Our Wellbeing survey has identified that pupil voice needs to be stronger to have a positive impact on the school community. Our wellbeing survey has identified that many children do not feel that all staff deal with conflict in the same way. |
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5.1. To develop senior leaders’ ability to effectively support the HT in the strategic operation of the school. (CC)
| 5.1 The school has many changes in the senior leadership structure due to senior staff going on maternity leave. Middle leaders have been appointed to commence the role of ALNCO and DHT from September 2023. In addition, another senior leader has been on long term absence and therefore on return will require development. |
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5.2 AOLE middle leaders to further develop their coaching and mentoring leadership skills, by effectively supporting inexperienced staff's pedagogy in line with the schools and curriculum requirements. | 5.2 There has been many staff changes throughout the school, with two NQTs. AOLE leaders will be required to support new staff professional development through coaching and mentoring. |
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