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Key Stage 2

Key Stage Two


In September 2008, a new National Curriculum was introduced for Key Stage Two. It provides our children with exciting opportunities to develop the skills of learning alongside the acquisition of knowledge and, in this sense, builds upon the enriching experiences of the Foundation Phase. While some lessons focus on separate, individual subjects (R.E., Welsh, P.E., Music and some aspects of English and Maths), the school has developed contexts for learning to help children make links between different areas of learning.

In St. David’s, we believe that children are more motivated and engaged in school life when they are given a context or reason for their learning and, while more emphasis is placed on the formal recording of ideas in Key Stage Two, many activities are still based on practical, interactive experiences. Off-site visits are used to engage the children’s interest in a new theme, including annual residential trips. We take maximum advantage of the opportunities offered by visiting theatrical companies, poets, artists and musicians and pupils are encouraged to share their learning with others by planning presentations for parents and/or other classes at the end of each topic.


We have recently had outdoor classroom areas built on each Key Stage 2 teaching area. These will enhance the learning opportunities available to the children in Key Stage 2 and will make the transition from the Foundation Phase to Key Stage 2 smoother.

The statutory subjects taught in KS2 are English, Mathematics, Science, Information and Communication Technology, History, Geography, Art and Design, Music, Physical Education, Welsh, Design and Technology, Personal and Social Education and Religious Education.


All learning experiences are based on the acquisition, development and application of 3 key skill areas:

  • Literacy (oracy, reading and writing skills)
  • Numeracy (numerical reasoning, number, measuring, data handling skills)
  • Digital Competency (Information and communication technology skills)

These skills are planned progressively using the Literacy & Numeracy Framework and over-arch the subjects of the National Curriculum which are taught through a mixture of:

  • Discreet subject teaching- the core subjects of English, Maths and Science as well as Welsh which is taught as a second language and PE.
  • Cross-curricular themes- planned and taught over a term or half-term