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Welcome to Year 2

Class Teacher - Mrs C. Hughes

LSA - Miss G Zedler





Meet the teacher Year2

Still image for this video


Important things to remember....


Bring a labelled drink bottle and packed lunch daily.

Bring your book bag daily, containing your reading record and school reading book.

Wear your school uniform.

Wash your hands when you come into school and regularly throughout the day.

Keep your personal belongings on your peg or on the bench beneath it, e.g coat, PE bag, packed

lunch and please ensure everything is labelled. You will be responsible for looking after your

own belongings.

Bring a pair of wellington boots, which can be left in school, as we will be outside often!

Make sure that you wear a warm waterproof coat to school daily.





Summer Term 2

Our Topic is...


"Look After Our Planet"



Following on from our topic of Space, we will be focussing on Planet Earth. What makes our

planet so special? How is it different to the other planets we have studied? 

We will talk about how precious Planet Earth is and how we need to look after it. 

We will look at many different environments around the World and discuss how they all have

an impact on us e.g Polar ice caps, Rainforests etc. We will talk about how we can help to

protect those environments, touching on climate change and global warming. We will discuss

how we can make good choices at home and in school, which may help to protect our

environment. We will be ethically informed citizens and enterprising contributors when we 

think about how we could create opportunities to help care for our planet!


Pupil Voice - If you have any ideas or suggestions for things that you would like to learn

about, connected to this topic then please email me at year2@stdavidsprm.cardiff.sch.uk 

I look forward to hearing from you. :)





Congratulations to Oliver Smith-Williams


for having a fantastic year in Yr2 and making


so much progress!!





















Schoop - the school ID is 17699

Twitter - @StDavidsCiWPrm https://twitter.com/StDavidsCiWPrm

Email: year2@stdavidsprm.cardiff.sch.uk



A Parents Guide to using HWB Home Learning Classes

If you are having any difficulties accessing the Hwb classroom please email me at year2@stdavidsprm.cardiff.sch.uk.


Google Classroom - Parent's Guide

Google For Education - Blended and Distance Learning at St David's CIW

Home Learning 

Please log in to Google Classroom for all resources to support home learning.

For additional resources to support home learning, please continue to scroll down this page, to the Literacy and Numeracy sections.

 The Oak Academy has developed online lessons for all year groups which

went online this morning (20.04.20) and these can be accessed at :


This is a fabulous resource for Year 2!

To log in to Oxford Owl website which has lots of exciting resources for literacy - please select 'My class login' and enter StdavidsYear2@123 as the username and password.

Phonics play have announced free access to their website during this current lock down.  

Username; jan21

Password; home

There are lots of lovely activities to support learning of phonics. 

Keep fit and Healthy with Joe Wickes 



Real Pe - Jasmine 

A learning platform which provides 1000s of hours of fun activities and challenges that will help you keep your children and family fit and healthy.

The website address is: home.jasmineactive.com 
Parent email: parent@stdavidsci-1.com
Password:  stdavidsci

Our Christian Value this term is Peace.















Weekly Routines

PE - Please wear your PE kit to school. PE will now take place on a FRIDAY.

Reading Books - Please bring reading books to school daily in your child's book bag. We would like to hear your child read as often as possible in school.

Homework Books - These will be sent home on Friday and should be returned on TUESDAY please.

Snack money - Please pay for snack on Parent Pay for daily fruit.

Dinners - Please use Parent Pay to pay for and order food online.



Below you can click on the link to the Homework Grid for this half term.

The tasks link to the topic. You can complete as many as you wish over the half term and one can be shared in class at the end of term. These are to be completed at your own pace.

Homework books will be sent home on a Friday and should be returned on a Wednesday. Activities in these books will be sent weekly, linked to literacy and numeracy tasks in class.


Please complete as many or few homework tasks as you like. These activities will help to support your learning in school. Have fun! 

Homework Grid



How can you help your child at home?

* Read your school book daily. Talk about the story / plot/ characters. Answer questions related to the text. Predict what might happen or write a new, different ending to the story!

*Keep a diary. What did you do today?

*Practice your handwriting- Can you join your letters? Write your name. Write a letter to a friend or loved one. Write a card. Write a shopping list.  

*Write a short imaginative story. Re -read what you have written- did you remember to add full stops and start your sentences with a capital letter? Read your story out loud using expression. Can you improve your story?

* Talk about your day with a friend / adult. 

* Play fun games such as 'Guess who' or 'What am I?', using questions to predict the answer. 

* Give or listen to instructions to create something new or find buried treasure......etc.


Read Write Inc

Read Write Inc is a scheme we use to practice learning phonics, spelling, reading and writing. 




 We will be completing tasks in class to explore, learn and use these patterns. If your child is able to find words or write sentences with words that follow the pattern we would be pleased to share these with the class. 




Ruth Miskin Training @RuthMiskinEdu

You can find RWI Phonic lessons at home on Facebook and YouTube:


Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30am and again at 12.30pm

Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00am and again at 1.00pm

Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30am and again at 1.30pm





This half term we are focusing on:

Find a small difference between two numbers by counting on : 

e.g. find the difference between 38 and 45

Number bonds to 1000 

Rounding 3-digit numbers to the nearest 10/100

Measuring using standard units


Recording data and analysing information on graphs and tables.




Quick mental recall of 2,5 and 10 times tables and begin to learn 3 and 4 times tables.







Useful websites which support home learning;