Home Page



Croeso i Flwyddyn Un!

Welcome to Year 1!

Year 1 Team


LSA: Miss Catherine Stone         Class Teacher: Miss Powell     LSA: Miss Eleanor Dudek


Hello and welcome to our Year One class page!

Here you will find all the latest news and class events. 


Schoop - the school ID is 17699

Twitter - @StDavidsCiWPrm https://twitter.com/StDavidsCiWPrm

Email: Year1@stdavidsprm.cardiff.sch.uk 

Class Dojo Linkhttps://www.classdojo.com/invite/?c=C8UG6N9

Class Code for Google Classroom - ctdxjic

I am always here to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Please email Year1@stdavidsprm.cardiff.sch.uk or ring the office and I will get back to you as soon as I can smiley.

Key Information 

Children Return to School  - Monday 7th June 2021

Please read the information below around drop off times. These times will stay in place whilst we are unable to use the 'Park and Stride'. 


Please see the parent section of the website and recent emails for more updates.

'Michael Recycle'

Welcome back to our final topic of the Summer term!


Our topic this term is 'Michael Recycle'. The children will be learning all about recycling and ways to look after our planet. We will be focusing on the story of 'Michael Recycle' and we will also examine a variety of different genres and literature related to our topic.


The children will be exploring ways we can look after our local area and planet. We will brainstorm ways in which we can help make our world a better place, using ICT to promote this. In addition, we will be continuing with our boat designs this term. Last term the children designed their own boat which they thought would be the best to use in water and would carry the most marbles. This term we would like to create our designs using recycled materials. Please bring in any spare materials you have at home as we will reuse these in class.

I look forward to hearing the children's ideas for our new topic when they return to school. You are always welcome to email with your exciting ideas too!

We will be learning through the six areas of learning and experience. We always ensure that all of our activities are fun and exciting and are chosen by the children. I look forward to sharing the children's creations and work with you via Twitter this term. 

Homework Planner Summer 1

Christian Value of the Term : Peace



The children will be learning about different kinds of peace including peace that comes when it is quiet, the things that make for peace of mind and the qualities of a peacemaker. 



Value Home Learning




Learner of the Week
Our VIP learner of the Week: Caleb Winston
For: Being a great rolemodel!






PE will take place on: Tuesday

Children need to bring in black shorts, white/house coloured t-shirt and trainers. 


Please return to school every Tuesday

In preparation for reading your child will bring home a RWI sound mat and key words to develop their reading skills. Please can you practise these as much as possible. Please contact me for any support.


In Year 1 we will be having daily snack. Please pay for this using Parent Pay.

(Children are currently unable to access snack in school. However, milk and toast is provided daily).



Google For Education - Blended and Distance Learning at St David's CIW

Please watch this video about the use of Google Classroom in school.

A guide on how to use Google Classroom

Read Write Inc is the phonic scheme we will be using this yearThis approach helps children to develop their reading and writing skills whilst also having fun. 


These are set 1, 2 and 3 sounds that we will be learning this year. 


Here are some of the rhymes to help you! smiley

Reading Links


https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/   -
  Username: stdavidsreception      Password: Reception123

https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/ - Username: jan21
    Password: home



How can you practise Numeracy at home?

* Practise sequences of numbers in different ways, reciting forwards and backwards, and starting at different points.

* Count in 2's , 5's and 10's!

* Can you read and write numbers to 100? use a 100 square to practise!

* Look at the coins that you have at home. Which coins are these? Can you identify them? 

* Go on a shape hunt. Which shapes can you recognise?


We will be learning a variety of different numeracy skills this year and we will be using the outdoors to explore numeracy in fun ways. 


Useful links


This website is great for consolidating new maths skills and for the children to practise different numeracy skills whilst enjoying fun games.


This is another great website that has great maths resources. This website will also show you different mathematical methods.