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Year 4 - Severn


Croeso i Dosbarth Severn!

Blwyddyn 4



Blwyddyn 4 - Year 4

Class Teacher: Miss J Keen

Class LSA: Mrs H Larcombe


Schoop - the school ID is 17699

Twitter - @StDavidsCiWPrm https://twitter.com/StDavidsCiWPrm

Email: year4@stdavidsprm.cardiff.sch.uk

Google Classroom Code: glgwf6i


Key dates for your Diary - Summer 2022

Summer Term 2022 

25th April – Return to School (Summer Term 1)

29th April – Bank Holiday

2nd May – Bank Holiday

3rd May - Wellbeing Day

27th May – Half Term

6th June – Return to School (Summer Term 2)

8th July - End of Term Reports to Parents

 18th July  – Transition Week

 22nd July  – End of School Year





      Our topic for this half term is Spain!

All of our planning is based around the six areas of learning and four core purposes with pupil voice at the heart. Please see below our medium-term planning grid for Summer 2. 

Our Languages, Literacy and Communication will focus on writing a biography on a chosen Spanish celebrity and writing instructions for Spanish recipes. We will also be writing and recording our own rap in relation to water pollution! 
Our oracy this term will focus on learning both Spanish and Welsh, in particular the song Calon Lan.

Maths and Numeracy we will be focusing on a number of aspects to expand our knowledge and understanding. This term we will be looking at interpreting data, classifying and sorting shapes and division.

In Science and Technology, we will be investigating threats to health in terms of litter and water pollution. As a class, we will look at how we can take action to tackle these issues. 

Our Humanities focus will be looking closely at Spain and its history and exploring its culture. 

During Expressive Arts we will be looking at the artwork of Picasso and Joan Miro and developing our own masterpieces in their styles.  

There will be regular updates of the children's work on our Twitter page. 

Summer Term 2 - Around the World - Spain



A learning context homework grid is available on Google Classroom and on our class page, which can be completed over the course of the term and can be found on the Severn page of our school website. Your child can choose to do as many of the tasks as they wish.  The children will also be set weekly or fortnightly tasks to complete at home which will alternate between literacy and numeracy. The children will also have spellings to practice weekly. This might be a game or an activity that you can do together at home. 

All homework will be shared via Google classroom and uploaded on a Friday. This must be completed by the following Thursday.




Our school's Christian Value this term is Peace


People around the world 

End all conflicts and wars

All equal, fair and happy

Create a place for acceptance and friendship

Everyone living in love and harmony




This Week's VIP is Shay-ella!

Shay-ella has been super sensible all week and has tried really hard with her school work. 

She has been spotted doing really kind and helpful things around the classroom that have benefited others! 

Da iawn Shay-ella!




Weekly Routines


Please bring a bottle of water to school daily, clearly labelled with your name. 

Families may choose to provide your child with their own healthy snack, however, there are also a range of fruit options that can be purchased from our schools healthy snack shop. Please can all orders be purchased on either a weekly, or termly basis. The cost of fruit per week is £2 per week, or £14 for the first half term. Payments should be made via parent pay. If you wish to purchase snack on a weekly basis, please can all orders be paid for in advance, no later than 12 noon on the Friday before snack is required.


Please wear your PE kit to school on Friday's. Children should wear black shorts, house colour or white t-shirt and trainers, labelled clearly with their name. They may also wear black jogging bottoms when completing activities outdoors. 



Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly labelled with your child's name.


Four Core Purposes

In line with the new curriculum, we are working hard to be...




Practise your German at home, clicking on the link above! Use your individual logins to gain points for the school! If you need new logins and passwords, let Miss Keen know! 




Use this link to continue learning Welsh at home!