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Health and Medicine

Requests for medicine to be administered in school must be made to the school office and will be considered by the Headteacher or representative. This relates ONLY to prescribed medicines. They should be handed in to the school office with clear written instructions on their administration to the child. It will be stored in the fridge until the end of the day.   If, in the schools opinion the instructions are not clear, the school may decide not to administer the medicine until clarity is sought. In most instances children will be asked to self-administer the medicine, under adult supervision.  Parents are most welcome to come to school to administer medicine to their own child. 


The child is responsible for going to the office for their medicine at the appropriate time.  The fact that the medicine has been administered will be recorded in the medicine log book.



Inhalers are kept in the classroom where the children can obtain them easily. They may use them whenever necessary and the child must be capable of self-administration. Inhalers are also taken with the children on outside school trips etc.

Advice from parents and medical officers is followed closely to ensure school meets the needs of the child



The School Nurse and Dentist visit the school regularly.  Children will be given regular assessments in accordance with Health Authority Guidelines.



Occasionally there are children with headlice in school.  The school follows the policy guidance set out by the Health Authority and LA.

School recommends the following;

  • Regular weekly detection combing takes place (Friday evening is best, it allows time for treatment over the weekend)

  • If live lice are found, contact your medical centre or chemist for the correct treatment

  • Remember to apply the follow up treatment 1 week later

  • Keep long hair tied tightly off the face and plaited

  • Inform the school.


    If school notices a child with headlice, parents will be informed and asked to treat the head.  Should the problem be recurrent you may wish to contact the School Nurse.